Community Spirit in Action at Muriel Jones Allotments in Frome.

Jun 7, 2020 | News

New rain harvesting station at Muriel Jones Allotments

In recent weeks, there has been plenty of community spirit in action at Muriel Jones Allotments in Frome.

Another water collecting station has been erected. This involved sourcing and overseeing a contractor to do the building work and then the purchase and installation of 1000 litre water containers, all carried out by volunteer plot holders. All we need now is the rain!

Plotholders have just finished a major clean-up of the stone barn building, which was six inches deep in old brick rubble, tiles and litter. Plot-holders can now use it to store their own allotment items, although it’s not secure. The site and car park have also been cleared of accumulated debris. This couldn’t have been done without a huge effort by a couple of plotholders.
One plotholder has taken on the challenge of cleaning the toilet at least twice a week, sanitizing all surfaces, sweeping and washing the floors and ensuring there are adequate supplies. Something which benefits everyone.

Someone who has cut the grass pathways since the site opened, continues to do a great job.

When a couple of people noticed a gate latch needed mending, they both offered to do it.

Plotholders, working together, cleared one plot of a quantity of metal, timber and rubble. Many members picked up a piece of rubbish off the site as they passed, placing it in a pile in the car park. Someone then piled it into the skip Another plot holder then strimmed down the weeds on the cleared plot, so that volunteers could put down weed suppressant material.

Thanks to everyone who helped!