Frome Potato Day and Seed Swap 2023 Sunday 19th February 10am-2pm Entrance £3 per adult Community Seed Swap: Bring your excess seeds in clearly marked paper envelopes and swap for exciting new varieties. With Workshops, Community Groups and Fun Kids Activities....

Better by Bike

The new bike racks at Muriel Jones Fields and Welshmill are proving popular. One of our members pointed out that people would be more likely to cycle to the allotments, if their bikes could be left securely. Frome Town Council installed the racks earlier this summer...

Hedge laying at Muriel Jones Field Allotments

Frome Town Rangers have laid a new hedge at Muriel Jones Field allotments. Hedge laying is a traditional countryside skill. As well as looking good to the eye, it acts as a refuge for wildlife, as well as a supply of food. Our thanks go to the rangers for this...

Muriel Jones Womble Day

Getting some jobs done on Sunday 27th February [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Muriel Jones womble”]