Frome Allotment Association

Frome Allotment Association was formed in 1991. It runs the allotments on behalf of the people of the town. The eight sites are leased from Frome Town Council. FAA is a self-managing allotment association, funded by member subscriptions and any grants it can secure from the public or charitable sectors.

Our Sites

There are eight sites within the town: Welshmill, North Parade, Muriel Jones Fields at Birchill Lane, which has 106 plots plus 10 raised beds for less able members, Orchard Street, Singers Knoll, Queens Road, Cranmore View, which has 6 plots, and Mendip View.

In total 247 plots are under cultivation. The sites vary in size from the largest at Muriel Jones Fields at Birchill Lane with 106 plots, to the smallest at Cranmore View which has just 6.

Waiting List

The waiting list for a plot is around 350.

If you are interested in an allotment and would like to be added to the waiting list please let us know

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We believe you should know what data we collect from you and how we use it. You should also have control over it.

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News from the plot


Community Shed

Great news! The installation of the new shed by the raised beds is now complete. This shed is primarily intended for use by the raised bed plot holders, but others are welcome to store small tools in there as well. However, it's essential to note that the shed will...

Keep It Frome

Could Frome be a flourishing garden? How we choose to steward our food systems is a key aspect of the circular economy, defining both the health and well-being of our community

Frome outside / gardening activities

We understand that many of you are eagerly awaiting an opportunity to cultivate your own allotment. However, due to the long waiting list of over 300 people, it may be some time before a space becomes available. In the meantime, we would like to suggest some...

Connecting frustrated gardeners with unloved gardens

Free gardening event Join us for a few drinks and a chat at the lovely three swans to connect with people with an interest in gardening. We want to connect and support frustrated gardeners with unloved gardens so everyone can have access to a growing space and have...

AGM Wednesday 18th March is cancelled

The AGM of Frome Allotment Association on Wednesday 18th March has been cancelled, for the obvious reason. We will email members in due course and make available a copy of the Chair’s report.

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Bonfires – message from Chair of FAA

BONFIRES At our committee meeting on 2nd October, we decided unanimously to ban bonfires on all of our sites with immediate effect. We came to this decision for the following reasons • Complaints from neighbouring properties • Regard for our fellow plot holders •...

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Muriel Jones Allotments Open Day

Thanks to all those who helped on the NGS open day at Muriel Jones allotments. Whether you baked a cake, helped get the site looking good or were there on the day, it was all appreciated! From admission charges and sale of refreshments, we managed to raise £325 for...

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Grow Cook and Eat from Active and in Touch

Active and in Touch are having an ‘Active Autumn Lunch’. A lunch that people have contributed to by either growing the vegetables that are being eaten, or cooking them in various classes leading up to the main event. A weekend of cookery and ending in a lunch on a...

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Muriel Jones Allotments Frome NGS Open Day 2019

It’s difficult to believe that Muriel Jones Field Allotments at Birchill Lane have now been open for more than six years. Frome Allotment Association’s largest site will be opening the gates on Tuesday 9th July from 11.00 a.m -5.00p.m as part of the NGS (National...

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Free Manure

There is some free farmyard manure at Wanstrow - about 5 miles from Frome. You will need to provide your own bags or trailer but there is no charge for the manure. Ring 07803 029482 and leave a message on the answerphone.

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Open Days Frome Allotments 2018

You are more than welcome to come along to one or more of our open days. As part of the NGS we are opening Muriel Jones Allotments this year on Tuesday 10th July Here you can find more information And once again we are opening four of our sites as part of Hidden...

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Water at Welshmill

Whether you are fairly new to Welshmill or have been a plot holder for a long time you will know that a consistent supply of water has always been a problem. We have tried a variety of different hand pumps with varying degrees of success. The last one was very...

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Rook Lane Show

A show at Rook Lane Chapel this Thursday."Three Acres And A Cow" - a history of land rights and protest in folk song and story. We have been told it's generally very popular with people involved in growing their own food or working the land in general. 3 Acres and a...

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Gardening Together