New Raised Beds Available at Muriel Jones Fields.

Apr 24, 2015 | Events, News

New raised beds almost complete

new raised beds almost complete

Our new raised beds at Muriel Jones Fields are almost complete. They are designed for use by less mobile and disabled gardeners and are on a level site close to the car park. Wheelchair users will be able to access the plots with ease.

If you are interested in renting one of these plots then please contact us at

The cost of renting a plot is £25 a year and gardeners must be resident in Frome. There are 8 beds available for rent.

The Muriel Jones site at Birchill Lane, Frome has 98 plots. There is also a toilet which is fully accessible to disabled gardeners. In addition, our new viewing area is almost complete. From here gardeners can enjoy views across the river and into the trees, with Cley Hill in the distance.