The foundations for the new raised beds were put in place at Welshmill allotments on a chilly Sunday morning. Volunteers from Frome Allotment Association worked with Andrew Pople to create the stone base for the beds. “With Andrew’s expert help in creating a smooth finish we saved considerable time,” said Neil Cameron, Allotment Association Chair.

The stone was supplied free of charge by Hansons and sourced by Carol Charlton, whose husband Nigel Charlton provided the haulage and the loan of digging machinery as well as working alongside the volunteers. Rossetti House sent across some welcome mugs of coffee.

“It’s great to have everyone pulling together on this community project,” said Welshmill allotment representative, Andy Wilson. ”The raised beds will be used by residents of Rossetti House who would like to continue gardening. We also have members who would like to switch from a larger plot to something more manageable.”
Rossetti House home manager Mark Barnes said: “It was a really cold day so we were very happy to be on standby with mugs of hot coffee to warm up the workers. The allotment will be a wonderful space for our green-fingered residents to enjoy – we are looking forward to eating some home grown produce.”
The raised beds project at Welshmill is one of the strands in Frome Allotment Association’s programme of outreach work, funded by Frome Development Community Interest Company, The programme continues to develop, helping people to grow food.